מחקר מחקר מהתקשורת הרצאות וסדנאות קישורים חשובים Voice Changes in Real Speaking Situations קרא עוד ← Is the emotional Stroop task a special case of mood induction קרא עוד ← Oral-diadochokinetic rates for Hebrew-speaking קרא עוד ← Segregation of study items in memory determines קרא עוד ← The production effect in memory- multiple species of distinctiveness קרא עוד ← Memory – Auditioning the distinctiveness account קרא עוד ← השפעת סוג הרעש המתחרה על הביצוע במבחן 'דיבור ברעש' קרא עוד ← בדיקת היכולת להפקת רצף הברות נשנה ומהיר (רהנ"מ) בקרב מבוגרים דוברי עברית קרא עוד ← שכיחות הפרעות קול ומאפייניהן האקוסטיים בקרב ילדים דוברי עברית קרא עוד ← Sibilant production in Hebrew speaking קרא עוד ← The Effect of Learning Modality and Auditory Feedback on Word Memory קרא עוד ← Production on hold: delaying vocal production enhances the production effect in free recall קרא עוד ← Influence of Retrieval Mode on Effects of Production: Evidence for Costs in Free Recall קרא עוד ← The production effect in adults with dysarthria: improving long-term verbal memory by vocal production קרא עוד ← The production effect in memory: a prominent mnemonic in children קרא עוד ← Oral-diadochokinesis rates across languages: English and Hebrew norms קרא עוד ← non-word versus real-word repetition קרא עוד ← The Effect of Practice and Visual Feedback on Oral-Diadochokinetic Rates for Younger and Older Adults קרא עוד ← The Perception of Emotions in Spoken Languages in Undergraduates with High Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Preserved Social Skill קרא עוד ← Personality Dimensions of Speech– Language Pathologists who Work With Clients who Stutter קרא עוד ← Introducing the Beatalk technique קרא עוד ← Evidence-Based Clinical Recommendations for the Administration of the Sequential Motion Rates Task קרא עוד ← The effect of vocal production on vocabulary learning in a second language קרא עוד ← Using Vocal Production to Improve Long-Term Verbal Memory in Adults with Intellectual Disability קרא עוד ← The production effect in adults with dysarthria: improving long-term verbal memory by vocal production קרא עוד ← Texture-modified foods and thickened fluids used in dysphagia: Israeli standardised terminology and definitions קרא עוד ← The “Morning Voice”: The Effect of 24 Hours of Sleep Deprivation on Vocal Parameters of Young Adults קרא עוד ← Visual and auditory verbal long-term memory in individuals who rely on augmentative and alternative communication קרא עוד ← Visual and Auditory Verbal Memory in Older Adults: Comparing Postlingually Deaf Cochlear Implant Users to Normal-Hearing Controls קרא עוד ← Challenges and opportunities for telehealth assessment during COVID-19 קרא עוד ← Processing of Emotions in Speech in Forensic Patients With Schizophrenia קרא עוד ← The impact of different background noises on the Production Effect קרא עוד ← Production on hold: delaying vocal production enhances the production effect in free recall קרא עוד ← Production Effect in Adults With ADHD With and Without Methylphenidate (MPH): Vocalization Improves Verbal Learning קרא עוד ← Overcoming COVID-19 Challenges: A Remote Adaptation of the Production Effect Task קרא עוד ← The Effect of Presentation Mode and Production Type on Word Memory for Hearing Impaired Signers קרא עוד ← הקשר בין תפקודי הפה (Oral-Motor) לבין תנוחה ויציבת הגוף קרא עוד ←